Sunday, February 3, 2008

My cup runneth over

I am on fire for Jesus! It's been so amazing, since 2008 began I have just felt so motivated to get closer to God, to read His Word, to pray, and hopefully to witness when I have the chance! After all these years Tom and I are praying together! Not every night, but on a regular basis and as needed when things come up. We have the Night Light devotional book for couples and we've been doing that sporatically as well. And, drum roll please... we've started doing family devotions! I had bought a book of them ages ago and I asked the Princess if she'd like to start doing them. She not only wanted to do them, but she got out the Bible and looked up the verses and read them to us. We did it as a family Saturday night and then just she and I this afternoon. I'm incredibly pleased about doing this as a family, and I know that the Man and I praying together will bless our already good marriage. I feel so blessed, so abundantly blessed to have my perfect and precious little family. I can imagine God smiling down on us as we sat together, reading His Word and talking and praying together. I prayed first, then the Princess, and then the Boy and the Man closed. The Boy prayed about getting batteries in his Hess truck and my heart was just full with joy at his innocent little chatter.

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