Saturday, December 4, 2010

Don't just stand there....

In my time on Facebook I have seen many social awareness campaigns come and go.  I generally don't participate in any of them.  Several months ago women posted where they put their purse every night, (on the table, etc) under the guise of raising awareness for breast cancer.  Right now many are changing their profile picture to their favorite childhood cartoon character, to raise awareness of child abuse.

I know I tend to be salty and cynical, but seriously, HOW is this helping anyone?  I'm sure not everyone will agree with me on this, but raising awareness is generally pointless if that is the end goal.  If you talk about it, and cheer for the cause, and get a warm fuzzy feeling, you have essentially done nothing for the cause. You've done just enough to assuage any guilt you may be carrying, but you haven't actually helped anyone. Put your money where your mouth is, and DO something.  Go volunteer, raise money, donate, get your kids involved to teach them, speak out in tangible ways.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. ~Ephesians 2:10  God made us to do good works, not just talk about good works.  Get busy!


Trish D said...

I couldn't agree more! The where I put my purse one was especially annoying - and I read several friend-of-a-friend rants about how it was downright awful for those who struggle with lust issues (I though it was taking it a bit too far, but it is a point of consideration)

And no, I'm not morphing into a cartoon character until Monday. So there.

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

I feel the same way. I changed it last time when it was just for fun but when they tagged on Child Abuse that's just ..well it's dumb. I completely agree with you. Colored bras, hanging purses, cartoon profile pics do absolutely nothing accept to bring the thought to the forefront of your brain for the moment.

KateO said...

adding this to my list of why I won't facebook...
Just kidding. maybe.

Cindy Calderone said...

I also think they are all really goofy and rather pointless, unless the only point is to see how many people you can get to copy you on facebook.
I see somewhat of the same thing at our Relay For Life event each year. There is always someone who signs up to participate, but only does so by coming and walking the track. I'm glad that they take the step to get involved in the fight against cancer, but walking doesn't really do anything. It's only through the ways you mentioned above ("Go volunteer, raise money, donate, get your kids involved to teach them, speak out in tangible ways.") that we can truely make a difference!

Nova Kristin said...

I just like Cindylou Who ;-)