Friday, February 18, 2011


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Your will, not mine, be done.

I have prayed that prayer countless times. It has been a great comfort & help to me many times. This morning, in fact, I really needed to focus on the acceptance part of it.  E was asleep in bed last night around 11pm when I checked on the kids, but at some point he got up. I found him asleep on the couch this morning, covered in Frosted Flakes crumbs and a Wii remote on the floor. We had set up our computer with a password so he couldn't get on there at night anymore, since he would stay up literally all night on it. Apparently we need to hide the Wii remotes now too.
I woke him and sent him upstairs to turn off his alarm clock, and get dressed. He of course simply went back to bed. The normal drama ensued, and by 9am, when I needed to take him to school, he was nowhere near ready. He has to have a meal before his meds, or his stomach will be upset. The Old Me would have freaked out because it was simply unacceptable that he be late. The New Me accepted that he had to eat, had to be medicated, and would just have to be late. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but a big deal for my OCD brain to accept. Being late is one of my biggest pet peeves.
I emailed his teacher to give her a heads-up, and took him in a half hour late. If I am rigid I will never survive mothering this child. I have to accept that things are sometimes messy and he will go to school late. It is what it is.


Mary Garven said...

You are getting the job done - maybe not in the order or the timeframe you would like, but you are doing it with grace - I like to remember how patient God is with me!! You are a good Mom!!!
Now go for a walk :)

Shay said...

Thanks Mary! And I just now got back from walking. :)

KateO said...

Good points here. I will have to remember that its no use getting mad and screaming at the stuff I cannot change and just roll with it. I'm not graceful that way. Glad God is helping you thru it.

Tiffany Spronk said...

Oh Shay....what a great mom you are! I just started reading your blog a couple of days ago, and am inspired by what you write! Give E a hug from me....

Shay said...

thank you!