Tuesday, August 17, 2010

For the love of cheese....

....why can't they be quiet?! And stop bickering?!

Two more weeks til school starts, and my sanity returns.....


BeLoVed AiMeE said...

I'm right there with ya sistah... only 7 more days for me. I can feel the sigh of relief settling just below the surface ready to expel as soon as they get on that bus.

Shay said...

I feel guilty for saying it, but they really really do need to go back to school, lol. The Bickersons are driving me batty, and the Tyrant has just been downright MEAN lately! Just a few more weeks til school and Awana and BLISSful routine, lol.

KateO said...

cracking up!
I'm praying school starts when it should as well.
for the love of cheese...so funny.

Theresa said...

Since I started reading this book about shepherding our children, things have been a little different. Things? Maybe me. My wording is new...let's get to the heart of the matter. Exactly why are you choosing disobedience (defiance, lying, fighting, etc, you get the point). When you do that, you turn your back on got. TURN AROUND and face Him. Your heart is a fountain and it is very dry right now.

So far so good. I'll keep you posted.