Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I had to give up my home group, which sucks. I have been with that Wednesday night group for years, and I really love those folks. But our family schedule just doesn't work with that anymore. I couldn't even stay for the business meeting to tell them the last time I was able to make it there, because I was already late to pick the kids up from church. (I almost made it to the business meeting the month before, but Lucy rolled in something vile right before and I had to bathe my disgusting dog instead, ughh.) I had my sponsor pass it along, which is lame to me, as I wanted to do the right thing and tell them myself. I resigned as secretary and gave up my chairing commitment. It's sad but I'm trying not to dwell on it.
So now the problem is that I need to find a new meeting to attend, which I've never been good at. Even after attending meetings for six out of my nine years of sobriety, I really don't have any friends in the program. I have a lot of acquaintances, and that's it. So it's been weeks (month?) and I haven't found a new one or even tried. I'm a super fantastic procrastinator, and I just never get around to looking up meetings or calling my sponsor. I'm not in danger or anything; I have a great support network, I have constant contact with God and I'm involved in service in other ways. But I know that I will keep myself balanced if I get back to meetings. So, in the interest of telling another person so I will HAVE to follow-up on this, I share it here. Not making any time promises or anything, but I will get on this. Soon.


BeLoVed AiMeE said...

well I will just add that little tid to my prayers for ya. <3

Shay said...

thanks Aim :)

Beacon2Light said...

Shay, don't forget we have AA meetings here on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Used to be the Croydon group until they came to us. Some really nice people. They plan to move with us when the time comes.

Beacon2Light said...

Don't forget, Shay, we have a AA group that meets on Tuesday and Thursday nights here at my church. Nice group of people.

Shay said...

Glad they are moving with you, that's great! And thanks, I do have an extensive meeting list, it's just the scheduling that gets in the way.