Friday, November 5, 2010

A Diagnosis: Better Late Than Never

The Tyrant, whom I was considering re-nicknaming on this blog, but changed my mind since he really has been a complete TYRANT lately, has been diagnosed with asthma.  And really, I'm pretty POed about the whole thing.  The short version is that he was on the nebulizer for his first two winters pretty much non-stop, due to bronchiolitis. Last winter he got a cold, which developed into a cough that never left.  I lost count of how many times he would cough all night, and I would take him to the pediatrician.  Every single time I was told that his lungs were clear, and that this was just 'his cough'.  After the 912th visit about this cough, I asked if I should take him to a specialist.  I was told that there was no point, since it was, again, just 'his cough'.
So for going on two years I have had to explain this to anyone who was a caregiver or parent, that it was in fact okay for my hacking son to be around other kids because he wasn't contagious, etc.  Four weeks ago he had a fever and some cold symptoms, and the dreaded cough began.  After a month of draining bottles of Mucinex and running the humidifier while he slept, I made an appointment.  I dreaded it, because I KNEW they were just going to tell me what they always tell me.  I determined in my mind that I would be firm about asking for a better answer about this.  I was pleased that I got him an appointment with one of my favorite doctors, and not with the PA who is completely useless.  And lo and behold, after listening to him breathe for several minutes, he took off his stethoscope and informed me that it was asthma.
I had a very mixed reaction to this, and actually almost laughed when he said it.  I also wanted to cry, because I KNEW something wasn't right and no one ever believed me.  I wanted to go find that stupid PA and tell her to go pound sand.  He called in prescriptions for various inhaler drugs and a 'breathing chamber'.  I gave him the treatment last night before bed, and he slept.  All night.  Not a single cough.  And yes, I'm about to cry just typing that.
He's never had an attack, and this it's quite possible that he'll outgrow it. As far as overall health he is fine and this is not a gigantic thing. I'm slowly getting over being mad & upset about it, and am so thankful that we finally have an answer and a treatment that works.


BeLoVed AiMeE said...

oh my gosh...what a relief. I have asthma and I remember having attacks as a child. Now as an adult for the most part it it controlled unless I exert myself ( hahah like I exert myself!) or when my sinuses act up I have to use my inhaler and stand in the bathroom with a cold shower. NOT HOT. don't know if you have ever tried that but it helps to shrink the inflamed bronchial tubes. glad for you that your Tyrant will finally get some rest.

Jill said...

Ugh! Thank God you finally found an answer. I know what it's like constantly going back and forth from docs to specialists and still not getting the problem fixed. I'm guessing it was Dr. Weinberg who made the call? LOVE him!

KateO said...

Wow. I can't believe how long it took. Yeah, his cough is pretty bad, to put it lightly...I feel so bad for him having to go so long undiagnosed. I'm so glad that you did get proper treatment. Ugh, don't you hate it when noone really listens to you?

Shay said...

You are correct Jill! He's the best :)

Sweet Apron said...

How frustrating!!! I felt a mixture of fear & relief reading this b/c my 2 year old has been battling the chronic cough for much of the time and the nebulizer is the pedi's only answer.

Shay said...

Susan, the Tyrant was on that darn nebulizer for what seemed like forever. We did endless albuterol and then steroids as well. This was all when they said he had bronchiolitis. My guess is that they could never hear the wheeze over the junky lungs? Either way I'm glad that the prescription is now inhalers instead, as they're way easier & quicker for him. :) Keep me posted on your little guy ♥