Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Land of Confusion

I've been a hot mess of indecision lately, and it was making me crazy. It's all good things, but good things that I can't choose between and feel immobilized by. I hope that makes sense and doesn't sound manic or stupid. I have too much free time during the day, and even though I have plenty of things I can and should be doing in that time, I waste a lot of it with stupid stuff. I have no accountability during the day and it's not good. My youngest is going to kindergarten in a year and I need to decide what I'm doing with my life. I did decide that I'm not going back to school to finish my degree, at least not at this stage of life. A will start college herself in six years and I just can't see spending the money now when we need to be saving it for her. And I'd really like it if my husband could get a 9 to 5 job. His hours are ridiculous. I'm thankful he has a good & secure job, don't get me wrong. But yesterday he got up for work at 3:30am and didn't get home until 9:00pm. And his whole week looks to be the same, just as it was last week. I just don't see how his body will take that abuse indefinitely, and I would rather go back to work and get ourselves in a position for him to work less. I know that won't happen overnight or anything, but it's something we have agreed to work towards.

I started reading the Dave Ramsey book again (Total Money Makeover) and the good news is that we make a lot of good financial decisions. We don't have credit card debt, just house, cars & camper. Tom's car was a leftover so it was a bit more, but mine was used so the payments aren't terrible. I just want Tom to come have a life with us, rather than visiting us.

I'm pondering medical transcription, since I could do that from home. Jill's sister is awesome and got me some contact info for the one she works for. I need to touch up my sparkling resume (ten years at home, oy) and give them a call. I'm a bit worried because the office is an hour away and I don't know how often I'll need to go there. We shall see; it's a good opportunity that I won't waste.

Thanksgiving = going off plan with my food choices, as I posted about earlier. I need to really focus on it, or I will slide right back into bad habits. I am allowed to have dessert, I just can't eat a piece of pie and then cake and then cookies and then some more turkey with gravy. It's so easy to mindlessly eat when you're sitting around with family all day....


Anonymous said...

Those are some crazy hours! I hope you guys find an alternative soon...he must have super-human powers to work that much and sleep so little!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

just wanted to comment... I'm always reading, just not always commenting. **support** **love** **interest*** etc....

Shay said...

thanks ladies :)

BucksCountyFolkArt said...

Hey! I'm not exactly sure where the office is located, but are you sure it's an hour? I didn't think it was too far from my sister, so it should be 20-40 minutes at the most if you hop on Rt. 1. I know it's still far though, with gas prices. The first few months is alot of riding back and forth, but once you're good, it's only a couple times a week. Anything like it in our area? I wish I could do it, but the way my hands swell up 2-3 times their size, I'd be paying for it.

What about work in our school system? They have aides and cafeteria work that totally revolves around the kids' schedules. That way, you're always guaranteed to be home when they are.

Shay said...

Thanks Jill! I had looked the office up before and mapquest said it was an hour. That would be great if it's closer!